Villa Santo Domingo Hotel
Villa Santo Domingo Hotel
Sierra Maestra, Granma
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Province located in the southwest portion of Cuba's eastern region. It has an extension of 8 372 sq km (3232 sq mi) and an estimated population of 819 505 inhabitants (1996). The province ranks sixth in extension and fifth in population.
The territory is conformed by two natural regions: the plain of Cauto and the orographic group of the Sierra Maestra, the most important in Cuba with heights over the 1700 m (5576 ft) such as the peaks Bayamesa (1756 m, 5760 ft) and Martí (1722 m, 5648 ft).
The Gulf of Guacanayabo occupies 260 km (162 mi) of littoral. Its hydrography is represented by the longest river in the country, Cauto, with an extension of 343 km (214 mi), in addition to rivers Limones, Gua, Yara, and Hicotea; the dams Cauto del Paso, Paso Malo, Pedregales, and Buey; and the lagoons Birama, Carenas, and Las Playas, among others that are common in the zone.

01 Río Cauto
02 Cauto Cristo
03 Jiguaní
04 Bayamo
05 Yara
06 Manzanillo
07 Campechuela
08 Media Luna
09 Niquero
10 Pilón
11 Bartolomé Masó
12 Buey Arriba
13 Guisa

 Statistics 1999
 Surface area 8 372 km2 
 Resident population 830 064 inh
 Average population 828 827 
 Female population 49,0 
 Population in working age 497 227 
 Urbanization index 57,6 % 
 Population density 99,1 inh/ km2
 Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) 76,46
 Birthrate 14,3 
 General mortality rates (per 1000 live) 5,6 
 Infant mortality rate(per 1000 live births) 5,7 
 Fecundity global rate (children per woman) 1,65 
 Reproduction gross rate (daughters per woman) 0,80 
 Inhabitants per physician 242 
 Inhabitants per dentist 1 347
 Initial matricula (Course 1999/2000) 179 475 
   Primary education 80 450 
   Intermediate education 69 718 
   Higher education 5 910 
 Graduates (Course 1998/1999) 34 116 
   Primary education 13 089 
   Intermediate education 17 804
   Higher education 1 047
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